Le Karoo, bien qu’immense et souvent désert, n’est pas dépourvu de traces humaines. Ces dernières, discrètes mais évocatrices, enrichissent l’histoire racontée par les photographies. Les maisons isolées, aux lignes simples, les clôtures rudimentaires et les chemins qui serpentent à travers les étendues désertiques témoignent de la présence de l’homme dans cet environnement austère.
Although vast and often deserted, the Karoo is not devoid of human traces. These traces, subtle yet evocative, enrich the story told through the photographs. Isolated houses with simple lines, rudimentary fences, and winding paths through the arid expanses bear witness to humanity's presence in this austere environment. Here, inhabitants have adapted to the challenges imposed by nature, developing a way of life characterized by simplicity and resilience. These scenes of human life, captured in black and white, take on a universal quality, highlighting the fragility and tenacity of existence in a harsh landscape.